For web sites we image products rotating on a turntable at regular intervals – from 10 degrees (36 exposures) to 1 degree (360 exposures) or even finer increments through 180-360º (when the project calls for smooth movement in video format). Keep in mind that with animations, the goal is to enable viewers to rotate and view your project without bogging down the load time on a browser; the fewer exposures in the animation, the more quickly the animation loads. We then use specialized software to generate an animation in whatever format suits your needs; Animated GIF, Interactive HTML5, Interactive MP4, or movies with sound. These products can run with or without interaction. Interactive products include a control bar to reverse direction or stop and start.


Interactive Animations (HTML5 & Interactive MP4)

Interactive animations display with a control bar, giving viewers options to stop and start, zoom in and out, and reverse direction. These products include a folder of resources that you load onto your website and access through an iFrame pointed at the index.html file in the folder.

Napili Still

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Atrani Poster Frame

Click button above to close

Animated GIF

Animated GIFs lack the interactive feature. The upside is that they are single files. When their duration or run time is kept short, these files have the advantage of being quite small.

Click button above to close

Chris Paulis Master Photographer Restoration Photo Specialist

Interactive MP4

For web sites we image products rotating on a turntable through 180º or 360º against either a white or a black background. We then use special software to generate an HTML animation with a control bar that can be easily posted on a web site in an iFrame.


For web sites we image products rotating on a turntable through 180º or 360º against either a white or a black background. We then use special software to generate an HTML animation with a control bar that can be easily posted on a web site in an iFrame.

Chris Paulis Master Photographer Restoration Photo Specialist


3449 Nanmark Court
Ellicott City, MD 21042


Chris Paulis Photography Awards
Chris Paulis Photography Awards

Chris Paulis, M.Photog.,M.Artist.,Cr., A.F.,F.Ph.-MDPPA, CPP
Master Photographer, Master Artist
MD CPP Liaison